Anthony Lee - Mar 24 2022
The Spring E-biking DO's and DON'Ts

The sun is shining, the birds are tweeting, and the snow is melting. As the Northern Hemisphere's winter draws to a conclusion, there is no finer feeling than a bright sunny day. And there's no better way to celebrate the arrival of spring than than riding your e-bike.
It can be exciting to take your e-bike out of storage for the first time and to hit the pavement with your fat tires right away, but there are some key tips and tricks to riding so early in the new season. Today we are going to look at the DO’s and DON’Ts of spring e-biking.
Spring is a season full of joy, sun, and rain, as many people in the northern United States will confirm. It's tempting to leave your e-bike outside, even if only for one night, especially if you want to ride it the next day. However, given how common rains is in the spring, this may be a bad choice. E-bikes, like regular bicycles, dislike being left out in the weather. Rain can corrode not only your bike's frame and metal parts, but it can also harm the electrical components in your battery and motor.
When not in use, do everything you can to keep your e-bike cool and dry. If you need to store it under a parking garage or apartment awning, use a foldable chain lock to prevent theft. Don't leave your bike outside in the elements, no matter what you do. If rain is forecasted for several days in a row, consider taking your bike inside to a garage, basement, or even your apartment or home!
You'll want to maintain your e-bike clean in addition to keeping it dry. Mud, muck, and snow are all part of the spring riding experience. Use a bicycle cleaner and a soft sponge to remove any caked-on mud or dirt from the frame, seat, or components after each ride. Then, using a clean and soft towel, dry the bike. Instead of tossing away old bath towels, many e-bikers claim that using them as e-bike towels works. You can always have a clean towel on hand by cutting a bath towel in half to keep your e-bike clean.
DO Keep an eye out for icy road conditions.
The thawing and re-freezing of water on roadways and sidewalks is a regular problem in the spring. Snow melts during the day as the temperature rises, then freezes as the air cools at night. This can result in an ice layer forming on top of the cement and soil. Keep an eye on the weather and temperature forecasts. You may reduce the chances of slipping and falling on your early bike ride by keeping an eye out for ice.
DO Perform Annual Maintenance
During the winter months, many riders store their e-bikes, and the bikes may collect dust or debris. Metal components, like as gears and chains, begin to dry up with time, while tires naturally lose air pressure. As a result, before riding your bike for the first time in the spring, we recommend doing full annual maintenance. We've written an entire article dedicated to the annual maintenance you should do to get your e-bike ready for spring riding.
Another tutorial is dedicated solely to bicycle chain lube, which is very vital before your first ride of the season.
DON’T Ride Your E-Bike Through Deep Water
Large puddles of water will form near sewers, curbs, and ditches as the snow melts and rain falls more often. It may be tempting to cut through some water, but this is not recommended. Deep water can damage the electrical components of the battery and motor, so don't ride your e-bike through it. The e-bike is built to withstand the elements, but it is not waterproof!
DON’T Run Out of Battery Charge
Everyone knows the weather in March, April, and May can be finicky at best. It may look sunny one minute, and stormy the next. You do not want to be caught unawares in a spring thunderstorm with no battery power to get you home. Keep your battery charged when it gets low. Thanks to Polarna’s long-range battery technology, running out of juice is a rare occurrence. A single charge on a bike like the Polarna ebike M4 could last you between 60 and 80 miles. That is almost double the range of the competition, but in the end, all e-bike batteries must be charged from time to time.
DON’T Forget to Dress in Layers while E-biking
Finally, when it comes to spring e-biking, don't forget to bundle up. While the day may start out cool as the sun rises, it can quickly warm up during your ride, especially if you're going on a long journey. Heat exhaustion can be caused by wearing a single heavy jacket. Instead, wear in several light layers that may be removed one by one when the weather warms. As a top layer, use a waterproof outer jacket. A pair of waterproof bicycle gloves with non-slip technology is also a good option.
There you have it: all you need to know about spring e-biking. Keep your e-bike clean, dry, and well-maintained, particularly the first time you take it out of storage. Keep an eye out for concealed ice and avoid riding through any deep water. Remember to charge your battery and wear in layers to accommodate a wide range of temperatures. You'll be ready for the upcoming riding season like an expert with these e-biking advice! If you're feeling brave, check out our Top 5 Places for a Spring Bike Trip. Happy riding!